
Expanding educational opportunities for inmates in 14 California correctional facilities.


The Prison Education Project has expanded educational opportunities for the in-custody population in 25 correctional facilities throughout California and beyond. With the assistance of 3,000 university student and faculty volunteers, PEP has serviced approximately 9,000 in-custody students in these facilities since 2011. PEP is the largest volunteer-based prison education program of its kind in the United States.

Prison Education Project


Social Media

No Social Media

Unverified Information

For the Reintegration Academy Program:

Letter to Board of Parole
Formerly Incarcerated Staff
Receives State Funding
Reentry Services
For Credits

For the Project Rebound Program:

Letter to Board of Parole
Formerly Incarcerated Staff
For Credits

Program Logistics


In-person and correspondence

Expected Outcomes

  • Create a prison-to-school pipeline, which would ultimately lead to recidivism rates decreasing by at least 40-50%.
  • Successfully reintegrate ​formerly incarcerated individuals wishing to enroll and succeed at the California State University.
  • Connect students with critical resources via Project Rebound

  • Construct an alternative to the revolving door policy of mass incarceration and increase community strength and safety.

Formerly Incarcerated Staff


Length of Program

  • For Project Rebound Program: ~ 4 years @ a college campus

  • For Reintegration Academy Program: 10 weeks @ a college campus


  • For Reintegration Academy Program: Certificate of Completion
  • For Project Rebound Program: College Degree

Receives State Funding

For Project Rebound: Yes

Reentry Services
