Prerna Srigyan (she/her) is a social and cultural analyst specializing in studies of how people learn to learn and teach to teach in scientific, educational, and environmental settings. She is currently a doctoral researcher in sociocultural anthropology at the University of California, Irvine.  

UCI Anthropology | Environmental Injustice (EiJ) Teaching Collective | Society for Cultural Anthropology (SCA) Contributing Editor | The Asthma Files | Transnational STS COVID19 Project | Spatial Stories Working Group 

Atmospheres of Collaboration: Air Pollution Science, Politics, and Ecopreneurship in Delhi


What modes of teaching and learning are needed for sustainable, humane, and just futures? What capacities and communities do we need to teach and learn? Srigyan's research and teaching focus on how learning and teaching shape how people think and what they do.

Currently, as a doctoral researcher in sociocultural anthropology, her dissertation project examines "next-generation" STEM education in the U.S., particularly the aspirations, subjectivities, and collectives that attempt to teach and learn science against the grain and outside the lines. She asks: How does pedagogy make science a way of knowing and doing? How can pedagogy make science in the public interest?

Her earlier research focused on the development and use of science in air pollution governance in Delhi, India. The research resulted in the book, Atmosphere of Collaboration: Air Pollution Science, Politics and Ecopreneurship in Delhi (Routledge 2021), co-authored with Rohit Negi. The research also contributed to The Asthma Files, a transnational collaborative initiative to understand the cultural dimensions of environmental health. 

Keywords: epistemic justice, knowledge formations, science pedagogy, transnational science, social movements, public science