My engineering role model_partner's thinking


Partner’s Answer.

It's difficult for me to choose a role model because there are so many successful people worth learning about, and none of them is perfect and uncontroversial.

If I have to choose one. I will say my engineering role model is Steve Jobs.

The first reason I choose him is that his story is charming. If you have read his autobiography, you'll know that even he was forced to leave the company the created, he come back again. The spirit of never giving up deserves people's respect.

Second, he created an important product iPhone. Some of the engineers may focus on building high-performance products, but Steve Jobs is different. He focused on building products that make users a better user experience. The engineer is not only building a product but also servicing customers. Without this, those good-looking fonts, integrated service and great UI design may not appear on our phones.

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My engineering Role Model_partner thinking

Partner’s Answer.

It's difficult for me to choose a role model because there are so many successful people worth learning about, and none of them is perfect and uncontroversial.

If I have to choose one. I will say my engineering role model is Steve Jobs.

The first reason I choose him is that his story is charming. If you have read his autobiography, you'll know that even he was forced to leave the company the created, he come back again. The spirit of never giving up deserves people's respect.

Second, he created an important product iPhone. Some of the engineers may focus on building high-performance products, but Steve Jobs is different. He focused on building products that make users a better user experience. The engineer is not only building a product but also servicing customers. Without this, those good-looking fonts, integrated service and great UI design may not appear on our phones.


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Created date

January 4, 2023

Cite as

Syed Mustafa Hussain. 4 January 2023, "My engineering role model_partner's thinking", Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 4 January 2023, accessed 16 July 2024.