Mustafa_Q.6_ Who should lead innovation? has been created.


Involvement of government sometimes hinders innovation but ultimately gives them all the processing and approach to it. In my view, innovation should be led by the innovator but at the same time, the government should also be involved.

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Mustafa_Q.6_ Who should lead innovation?

Involvement of government sometimes hinders innovation but ultimately gives them all the processing and approach to it. In my view, innovation should be led by the innovator but at the same time, the government should also be involved.


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Created date

November 21, 2022

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Syed Mustafa Hussain. 21 November 2022, "Mustafa_Q.6_ Who should lead innovation? has been created.", Taiwan - Korea Global Classroom 2022, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 21 November 2022, accessed 17 July 2024.