Material Constraints and Digital Affordances in a 'Smart' Educational Building


My paper will reflect on the interplay between digital infrastructures and everyday organisational practices in a technologically laden 'smart and sustainable' university building. It is this building/object, in which I have been conducting an organisational ethnography, attuned with a sociomaterial sensitivity (Carlile et al. 2013), for my PhD. I will explore the tension between design intentions, for wired and wireless mobilities, and lived experience, located within a space that was explicitly anticipated to redefine and facilitate digitally enhanced teaching pedagogies and active learning practices.  Looking at, amongst other things, the materiality of the teaching spaces themselves,  introduction of BYOD policies, the impact of unconventional/jagged geometry on digital and spatial experience, as well efforts to replace analogue signage and information provision with digital forms. I will also render visible the relationship between mobility, connectivity and the ever-present need to power an increasing number of digital devices. Ultimately, however, all of this is precarious and temporally emergent as the seemingly fixed infrastructures are iteratively modified and reassembled. This can be in terms of hardware, such as upgraded Wi-Fi routers that can handle greater numbers of devices. Or software upgrades that facilitate simpler connections to those Wi-Fi networks, as they require less configuring. In discussing the above, I will build on the sociomaterially attentive work of Paul Leonardi (2011, 2012, 2013), who has critiqued accounts of the constitutive entanglement of sociomateriality (also described as agential-realist accounts, following Barad (2003, 2007, 2013)) for not ccounting for the constraints, of the material affordances, embedded in the artefacts humans are entangled with, digital or otherwise.


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Contributed date

January 20, 2019 - 11:44am

Critical Commentary

This is an abstract was subbmited to the 2018 4S Anuual Confrence held in Sydney, by Allister E Hill of RMIT University. It was presented in the session titled "Affordances and Architectures: A Materialist Approach to Digital Design". 

The abstract was selcted as it holds key topic of intreset to the contributor's research. Specfically having to do with technological deside and teaching insitutions and matiral inovations in teaching. 


This is an abstract was subbmited to the 2018 4S Anuual Confrence held in Sydney, by Allister E Hill of RMIT University. It was presented in the session titled "Affordances and Architectures: A Materialist Approach to Digital Design". 



Cite as

Allister E Hill, "Material Constraints and Digital Affordances in a 'Smart' Educational Building ", contributed by Parikshith Shashikumar, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 20 January 2019, accessed 28 July 2024.