Liberalization's children

The dichotomy of citizens and consumers: The authors try to understand how students, bearing the essential identities of consumers and citizens in the liberal era,? They also try to understand how students navigate in the increasing mass-mediated, 'cultural and social worlds of youth in globalizing India? ' and finally analyzing how they work to negotiate these identities and what is the prospect of these social constructs? Are they contradictory to each other, or are they able to cohabit with one another?

Inclusion and exclusion of the middle class: The question of who is insider and outsider of the emerging middle class leads us to define what is citizenship in the liberalization era.  The ethnography gives a picture of how inequality is reproduced in every sphere of social life in a state like Kerala, which itself claims to be ' progressive and rational'  through its developmental project. The author neither supports the complete denial of the impact of such a project nor supports the rational algorithms created by the different social indexes and reports. Ultimately it is better understood that there is an interplay of various factors identified as regressive and progressive for the society and eventually leading to a contradictory social mechanism, where women are educated, but for the sake of domesticized. The idea of the middle class also varies with different times of Kerala, where lower castes are also assimilated. However, the middle class is often identified as "Nair class" who still cherishes about their post-colonial -moralistic short term past identified as 'Keraleeyatha.'  So the idea of citizenship is better understood by what the author calls 'the attempts by the middle class to reconfigure ' in the existing scenarios such as consumerism and liberalism.

Binaries of  'producer patriot' and consumer citizen:  Aalok Khandekar and  Deepa reddy(2013) in their study about Indian middle classes and their changing social dimensions argue about the apathy of the Indian middle class towards politics and their mild hostility to the state as something working against their interest. These features of the middle class still exist in some of the other ways among the middle class, who by keeping their ideology of individualism intact but changing the weapon from aspirations of government jobs to the love for privatizations. Their fixation with liberalization and its opportunities undermine the layman's interest, and hence they become the ideal candidate for the citizenry. The emergence of consumer citizenship negates the existing patriotic notion of 'nation-building, and service to the nation, as Lilly Irani argues through the concept of entrepreneurial citizenship. It gives way to a complete change towards a market-oriented, commodified self, where citizenship is defined by your freedom to choose. Hence these contestations of consumer and citizenship make a significant change in society.

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