[KHURRAM] Q2-How do you prioritize engineers’ responsibility?

(My answer)

Family>community>company>nation>human being>all living being>individual. The engineer's ultimate responsibility is to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the family and community. A rural development project in Rwanda that started in 1974 is an example of a conflict that turned out to exacerbate tensions. The final result was by one African scholar to be an increase in inequality between regions and social and ethnic groups.

(Partner answer)

Individual>family>community>human beings >all living beings>company>nation. I think engineers' ultimate responsibility is to make the lives of people around them more convenient. However, this can sometimes be conflicted if a company engineer is working for limits their scope for development or the engineer’s personal life is affected.

(My reflection)

I think an engineer's responsibility is to make a better life for his family and the whole community. For me, an individual's life is less important because if we are professors, engineers, researchers, or any other post, all this is due to all our family. No doubt our own struggles also include but if our family didn't help we cannot succeed. In conclusion, when our family and community are happy and satisfied, we will be automatically happy. 


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Created date

November 8, 2022

Cite as

Khurram. 8 November 2022, "[KHURRAM] Q2-How do you prioritize engineers’ responsibility?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 8 November 2022, accessed 12 September 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/khurram-q2-how-do-you-prioritize-engineers’-responsibility