Emily York Collaboration Bio


I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Integrated Sciences at James Madison University (JMU). Drawing on the
fields of Science and Technology Studies (STS), cultural studies, innovation studies, communication, and the scholarship
of teaching and learning (SoTL), my research engages the societal dimensions of emerging technologies, practices of
multidisciplinary collaboration and knowledge production, and methods of integrating ethical reasoning and critical
inquiry into STEM curricula. I am the co-director of the STS Futures Lab at JMU, an innovative applied STS lab that aims
to develop capacities for critical imagination and responsible innovation at the intersection of research and pedagogy. I
also serve as an Associate Editor for the open access 4S journal Engaging STS as part of an editorial collective, in which
my primary focus is to develop the journal’s engagement with STS pedagogies.


Creative Commons Licence



Contributed date

September 27, 2021 - 2:27am

Critical Commentary

This is Emily York's collaboration bio created on 26th of September, 2021. This artifact was created to share with participants in advance of the 6S pre-conference workshop. It has been re-used in the 2022 sketch group.


Cite as

Angela Okune, "Emily York Collaboration Bio", contributed by Emily York, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 13 April 2022, accessed 4 March 2025. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/emily-york-collaboration-bio