[Claire]Q9. How has the covid 19 impacted your life?

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Taiwan Covid-19

[my answer] [my reflection]

Due to covid19, we stay at home for a long time to implement distance teaching, which makes me feel that technology is getting closer and closer to our lives, making us inseparable from them. 

I believe that wearing a mask will reduce the chance of infection, and tracking technology can let us know where the confirmed person has been, so that we can avoid going there and let the health bureau go to disinfect, which can also reduce the risk of infection. 

When the Covid19 broke out in Taiwan in the early stage, the government agencies controlled the epidemic well. In the mid-term, the number of infections and deaths climbed quite quickly because everyone was lax. reduction. Overall, Taiwan has been successful in handling the outbreak. 

In terms of vaccine research and development, the government wants the vaccine to be on the market as soon as possible, causing many problems in applying for patents or other steps, and some countries do not recognize Taiwan's vaccine as a qualified Covid19 vaccine.

Vietnam Covid-19

[my partner's answer]

Covid-19 had a big impact on my life in the last 2 years. I had to undergo a social lockdown for 4 months. The supply chain was interrupted and people could only rely on governmental provisions. In addition, a lot of workers lost their jobs in that period. 


Vaccine is the most effective solution for Covid-19. My country did pretty well for 1 year but they did not act quickly enough in the second year. The number of the infected only decrease when people are vaccinated.


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Created date

December 25, 2022

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. 25 December 2022, "[Claire]Q9. How has the covid 19 impacted your life? ", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 25 December 2022, accessed 16 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/claireq9-how-has-covid-19-impacted-your-life