[Claire]Q6. Who should lead innovation?

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Taiwan Government

[my answer] [my reflection]

Private sector and government. 

About private sector:

Because some departments of private companies will investigate what are the current trends and speculate what the future trends are, or the employees in the department will experience the convenience brought to us by technology from life, and also know what technology is insufficient from experience. 

Therefore, it is best and closest to people to lead innovation from the private sector. 

About government:  

The government has a huge amount of funds that can be invested in R&D, and the direction of R&D can be where the country needs, such as: national defense technology or people's livelihood...etc. When researching and developing technology and manufacturing finished products, it can bring another wave of economic upsurge to the country, and there will be more job vacancies for people to work on.

Vietnamese Company

[my partner's answer]

High amount of effort and money are required to create innovation. Therefore, I believe the private companies and government should lead the innovation. The private sectors will be the main force in innovation because they are motivated to make more money. 


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Created date

December 25, 2022

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. 25 December 2022, "[Claire]Q6. Who should lead innovation?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 25 December 2022, accessed 16 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/claireq6-who-should-lead-innovation