[Claire]Q2. How do you prioritize engineers’ responsibility?

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human being

[my answer]

I think the main priority is the human being, because engineers exist to create things that make people’s lives easier. I believe that engineers should give back what they have learned to people .

 When technology makes people's lives easier, people can spend more time creating better things.



[my partner's answer]


Engineers are in charge of a group of people so improvements on life qualities of people around them are the most practical goals.  

The duty of an engineer is to keep some parts of the system work efficiently.

Global community

[my reflection]

I think the main priority is the community, because of globalization, many scientific and technological inventions have changed from self-manufacturing in various countries to cooperation between famous companies in various countries, which makes people’s lives more convenient.


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Created date

November 10, 2022

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. 10 November 2022, "[Claire]Q2. How do you prioritize engineers’ responsibility?", STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 10 November 2022, accessed 17 July 2024. https://stsinfrastructures.org/content/claireq2-how-do-you-prioritize-engineers’-responsibility