Chris Orwa on External Conditions


Chris Orwa (July 2018): ""iHub Research success came from the gap in the market for relevant research for the general community. One pillar that led to rise of iHub Research was the mode of distributing research findings. Instead of academic papers, the idea of holding events around research finding and preparing blog posts and easily understandable writing created a large audience for the research."


"To my knowledge there is no other entity in Kenya that is undertaking similar work to iHub Research. Part of the reason is because the mode of operation of iHub Research is a risky affair (from a business perspective). It operated as startup company undertaking research – established research companies prefer a time-tested business model with well-defined business model and analysis methodologies."


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Contributed date

August 11, 2018 - 10:26am

Critical Commentary

AO: These excerpts from a questionnaire response by Chris Orwa helps to answer the STS Across Borders question: "What external conditions have influenced this STS formation?".

Cite as

Chris Orwa, "Chris Orwa on External Conditions", contributed by Angela Okune, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 11 August 2018, accessed 2 October 2024.