Autonomous Technology Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought

1. The legislative power of technology: rather than a social deterministic approach towards technology, the author asserts that technology is neither neutral nor could be reduced in to cause and effect phenomena. He negates the conventional meanings ascribed to the technology such as technology as a tool, where the hand determines what to do. The legislative power of technology sometimes lead to the illusion that “everything is technology and technology is everything". This legislative power, according to the author, has a strong cultural root in the cultural notion of western European idea of mastery, control and invasion.


2. Human agency and technological determinism: while proposing an alternative technological knowledge and system, winner argues for a flexible and mutable technology, which could be in the perimeters of human control or at least don’t negate the human agency itself. Technology should be neither an ‘Iran cage ‘nor inevitable destruction without much hope. Still not the determinism, but somnambulism prevents the human agency from moulding what it created.  He argues for a “processes of technological planning, construction, and control ought to be opened to those destined to experience the final products and the full range of social consequences"


3. The Frankenstein monster and realistic alternative:

As we already discussed, the epistemological issue of current Technologies and thought regarding alternative technological innovations is related to each other. Neither they can be separated nor should one be neglected.  Even though the author denies both neutral and deterministic viewpoints on technology, he stresses that earlier technological apparatus and ideas are deep-rooted in society and defines it some or the other way. How you perceive, is another question. First of all, according to the author, it is foolish to think about an alternative without consulting to previous, it is just like neglecting the reality. Second, complete destruction of previous technologies is unimaginable and unrealistic. Only adding’s and innovations are one source of creating a flexible one. A better understanding of technological hazards and uncertainties as ignorance, negligence and irresponsibility will help us a better understanding of technology through self-reflexivity.

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