Sally Wyatt, "Aims and Object[ive]s 2/2. Photo Essay "A Journey through STS and Innovation Studies."", contributed by Sally Wyatt and Engaging Science, Technology, and Society, Engaging Science, Technology, and Society (ESTS) Journal, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 23 November 2023, accessed 23 November 2024.
Critical Commentary
Click here to access the photo essay this artefact is part of
I was invited by the editors of eSTS to prepare some additional material to accompany my short article called 'A Journey through STS and Innovation Studies'. This generous invitation provided me with the opportunity to excavate a number of old box files containing teaching materials from the 1990s. I spent several happy hours, remembering colleagues, students and teaching spaces from that decade. What follows is a small selection of teaching materials I used when teaching innovation studies and STS to first year bachelor students at the University of East London (UEL). The course was called “Innovation, Technology & Culture”. It was compulsory for all of the students following the “New Technology” degrees. Included on the following pages are the aims and objectives of course, lecture and seminar schedules, and examples of seminars, lectures and assessment. Along the way, I point to some of the material features of teaching pre-Internet, pre-PowerPoint, pre-beamers. I used chalk, overhead sheets (sometimes hand-drawn), and my lecture notes were sometimes produced using a dot matrix printer.