After the Smoke Clears: Toward Education for Sustainable Development in Bhopal, India

TitleAfter the Smoke Clears: Toward Education for Sustainable Development in Bhopal, India
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsIyengar, Radhika, and Monisha Bajaj
JournalComparative Education Review
AbstractThis article examines approaches to environmental education in Bhopal, India. It is an attempt to understand how much environmental education as a topic has been incorporated into formal curricula. An analysis of state and national syllabi indicates a focus on conventional, natural sciences approaches to the environment, thus neglecting the social science aspects of education for sustainable development across all grade levels. Environmental disasters are given a very general treatment with no contextual link to incidents like the Bhopal gas tragedy of 1984. Social dimensions like environmental citizenship are also minimally mentioned. Finally, the article highlights the large gap between national educational policy frameworks and the actual incorporation of environmental education in state and national textbooks.
Short TitleAfter the Smoke Clears