
Found 1390 results
Journal Article
Omura, Keiichi. "自然=文化相対主義に向けて:イヌイトの先住民運動からみるグローバリゼーションの未来 [Toward Natural-Cultural Relativism: Considering the Future of Globalization from the Standpoint of the Inuit Indigenous Movement." Bunkajinruigaku 75, no. 1 (2010): 101-119.
Mima, Tatsuya. "流通する「人体」―献体・献血・臓器提供の歴史." East Asian Science, Technology and Society: an International Journal 3, no. 4 (2009): 539-541.
Kimura, Shuhei. "津波災害復興における社会秩序の再編:ある高所移転を事例に [Reorganization of Social Order after a Tsunami: Collective Relocation and "Community"]." Bunkajinruigaku 78, no. 1 (2013): 57-80.
Morita, Atsuro. "機会と社会集団の相互構成:タイにおける農業機械技術の発展と職業集団の形成 [Co-Construction of Machines and Social Groups]." Bunkajinruigaku 71, no. 4 (2007): 491-517.
Omura, Keiichi. "技術のオントロギー:イヌイトの技術複合システムを通してみる自然=文化人類学の可能性 [The Ontology of Technology: Considering the Potentiality of Natural-Cultural Anthropology through an Analysis of the Unuit Technological-Complex System." Bunkajinruigaku 77, no. 1 (2012): 105-127.
Kimura, Shuhei. "地震学・実践・ネットワーク:トルコにおけれ地震観測の親類学的観察 [Seismology, Practices, and Networks]." Bunkajinruigaku 71, no. 4 (2007): 540-559.
Gergely, Mohacsi. "代謝を生きる:移動性をめぐる実験的考察 [Life of the Metabolism: An Experimental Inquiry into Mobility]." Bun 76, no. 3 (2011): 288-307.
