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Abraham, Itty
Adams, Vincanne
Adams, Morgann
Adamson, Joni
Ahmed, Sara
Aikenhead, Glen S.
Akera, Atsushi
Alant, Busi
Alegria, Sharla N.
Aliverti, Ana
Alridge, Derrick P.
Altbach, Philip G.
Álvarez, Lina
Amarasingam, Amarnath
Anderson, Gary L
Anderson, Robert S.
Anderson, Warwick
Anderson-Levitt, Kathryn M.
Ankeny, Rachel A.
Anzaldúa, Gloria
Apple, Michael W.
Applebaum, Barbara
Arbugaeva, Evgenia
Arnold, Rick
Asher, Kiran
Atkinson, Lucy
Atlas, James
Aviv, Rachel
Avraamidou, Lucy
Avrich, Paul
Aydınoğlu, Arsev
Ayers, William
Badat, Saleem
Bagchi, Barnita
Bajaj, Monisha
Baker, Lee D.
Bal, Ravtosh
Balagopalan, Sarada
Ballantyne, Erin Freeland
Balmer, Andrew S.
Baltodano, Marta P.
Bang, Megan
Barad, Karen
Baram-Tsabari, Ayelet
Bardini, Thierry
Barton, Angela Calabrese
Basch, Linda
Basu, Raj Sekhar
Bazin, Maurice
Beer, Daniel
Beichner, Robert
Bekerman, Zvi
Bell, Philip
Bellier, Irène
Beltrame, Tiziana Nicoletta
Bencze, John Lawrence
Benjamin, Ruha
Berger, Mark T.
Beristain, Carlos Marín
Berkman, Michael
Bernstein, Rachel
Besley, John C.
Bess, Michael
Bess, Michael
Bevan, Bronwyn
Bevilacqua, Fabio
Bezuidenhout, Louise M.
Bharadwaj, Purwa
Bhog, Dipta
Biagioli, Mario
Biesta, Gert J. J.
Biesta, Gert J. J.
Bijker, Wiebe
Bijker, Wiebe E.
Bijker, Wiebe E.
Billingsley, William J.
Bindon, George
Bird, Stephen
Birkenholtz, Trevor
Biruk, Crystal
Black, Paul
Blain, Keisha
Blanc, Christina Szanton
Blanc, Eric
Blanco-López, Ángel
Blitzer, Jonathan
Blok, Anders
Blum, Susan D.
Boal, Augusto
Board, Catalyst Journal Ed
Board, The Editorial
Board, Catalyst Editorial
Bockman, Johanna
Boda, Phillip A.
Bolt, Reuben
Bouillion, Lisa M.
Boutonné, Sylvie
Bowen, Michael
Bowker, Geoffrey C.
Boylorn, Robin M.
Bradley, Stefan M.
Brandt, Marisa
Brandt, Carol
Brantmeier, Edward J.
Brayboy, Bryan McKinley J
Breckenridge, Keith
Breslin, Samantha
Brickell, Katherine
Briggs, Laura
Brill, Steven
Britzman, Deborah
Brock, W. H.
Brown, Kimberly Juanita
Brown, Heath
Brown, Bryan A.
Brownell, Cassie J.
Bruns, Peter
Büching, Corinne
Bulpin, Kate
Burbules, Nicholas C.
Burrell, Jenna
Buurma, Rachel Sagner
Bynum, Cornelius L.
Cajete, Gregory
Callanan, Maureen
Calvert, Jane
Camacho, Michelle M.
Cammarota, Julio
Capobianco, Brenda M.
Caretta, Martina Angela
Caron, Brandiff R.
Caron, Brandiff
Caserta, Dorothy
Cassidy, John
Caughie, Pamela L.
Cech, Erin A.
Cervantes, Marco Antonio
Chadha, Gita
Chambers, David Wade
Chambers, David Wad
Chandler, Prentice T.
Chang, Amy
Chang, Emily
Chapman, Gary
Chapman, Gary
Chatterjee, Piya
Chattopadhyay, Boddhisattva
Chauhan, Bhumika
Cheliotis, Leonidas
Chen, Ruey-Lin
Chen, Dung-Sheng
Chen, Mel
Chilvers, Jason
Chiu, Mei-Hung
Cho, Youngju
Chubin, Daryl E.
Clancey, Gregory
Clark, Septima Poinsette
Clarke, Adele E.
Cobb, Jelani
Cobb, Floyd
Cody, Francis
Collins, Harold
Collins, Harold
Collyer, Fran
Conaghan, Joanne
Condon, Meghan
Conklin, Alice L.
Conley, Shannon N.
Conlon, E.
Connell, Raewyn
Conner, Clifford D.
Coolsaet, Brendan
Cooper, Melinda
Cordell, Ryan
Cortés-Rico, Laura
Council, National Research
Cozzens, Susan
Cozzens, Susan E.
Crabtree, Robbin D.
Crabtree, Robbin D.
Craig, Cheryl J.
Crane, Johanna Tayloe
Crawford, Barbara A.
Croissant, Jennifer L.
Crowe, Alicia R.
Crowley, Kevin
Crowther, Jim
Cuban, Larry
Cuenca, Alexander
Culp, Robert
Cunnigen, D
Cunningham, Vinson
Curtis, Gayle A.
Cutcliffe, Stephen H
Cutcliffe, Stephen H
Cutcliffe, Stephen
Cutcliffe, Stephen H.
D'Ignazio, Catherine
Dahlin, Bo
Damodaran, Sumangala
Dancy, Elon
Darder, Antonia
Darfler, Kendall
Dash, Biswanath
Daston, Lorraine
Daswani, Girish
Datla, Kavita
Datta, Ayona
David-Fox, Michael
Davies, Sarah R.
Davies, Thomas
Davis, Elizabeth A.
Davis, Pryce R.
Davis, James Earl
Davyt, Amílcar
Dawson, Emily
De Castro, Eduardo Viveiros
De Lin, Tzung-
De Pelecijn, Lana
De Ridder, Steven
DeHaan, Robert
Delamont, Sara
Deleuze, Gilles
Deloria, Vine
Deloria, Vine
Delpit, Lisa
Denby, David
Denis, Jérôme
Deslippe, Dennis A.
deVries, Karen
Dewey, John
Deyhle, Donna
Dhingra, Koshi
di Chiro, Giovanna
DiAquoi, Raygine Coutard
Diekmann, Kristina A.
Dietrich, Richard A.
Dillon, Justin
Diogo, Rui
Dolmage, Timothy Jay
Donnelly, J. F.
Dowdy, Joanne Kilgour
Downey, Gary Lee
Downey, Gary
Dudo, Anthony
Duensing, Sally
Duggan, Sandra
Dumit, Joseph
Dunbar-Hester, Christina
Dunlap, Alexander
Dunlop, Lynda
Dusabamoro, Theophilia
Duschl, Richard A.
Dyer, Richard
Dysart-Gale, Deborah
Dyson, Freeman J.
Dyson, Freeman J.
Ebert-May, Diane
Editors, SaC
Edwards, Kirsten T.
Eglash, Ron
Ehrenberg, Ronald G.
Eilks, Ingo
Elliott, David
Elliott, Denielle
Elliott, David
Ellsworth, Elizabeth
Elmore, John M.
Elshakry, Marwa
Ema, Arisa
Emdin, Christopher
Engel, S.
Epstein, Janet
Epstein, Steven
Erickson, Frederick
Escobar, Arturo
Escobar, Arturo
Escudé, Meg
España-Ramos, Enrique
Espinoza, Manuel
Espinoza, Manuel Luis
Etka, Noah
Evans, Mei Mei
Ewing, Thomas
Eyal, Gil
Fairbrother, R. W.
Fan, Fa-ti
Farquhar, Judith
Farrall, Lyndsay
Fearce, Chelesa
Feinstein, Noah Weeth
Felt, Ulrike
Fennell, Imani
Ferguson, Sean
Fernando, Mayanthi L
Ferré, M.
Ferrer, Francisco
Fifield, Steve
Fisch, Michael
Fischer, Michael MJ
Fischer, Michael M. J.
Fisher, Berenice M.
Fontan, Jean-Marc
Ford, Derek R.
Forster, E. M.
Forster, E. M.
Fortun, Mike
Fortun, Kim
Foster, Michèle
Foster, Laura A.
Fouché, Rayvon
Franco-Avellaneda, Manuel
Franco-Mariscal, Antonio Joaquín
Fraser, Barry J.
Freeman, Stephanie
Freire, Paulo
Freire, Paulo
Frerichs, Nadja
Friese, Carrie
Fritsch, Kelly
Fritsch, Kelly
Frow, Emma
Fu, Daiwie
Fuchs, Eckhardt
Fujigaki, Yuko
Fujikura, Tatsuro
Fukuyama, Francis
Fukuyama, Francis
Fuller, Jen
Fuller, Jen
Fure-Slocum, Eric
Fusco, Dana
Gad, Christopher
Gaillard, Ebony
Galande, Snehal
Galeano, Eduardo
Gammon, Benjamin
Gandolfi, Haira Emanuela
Gapinski, Andrzej J.
Garrod, Andrew
Gattinger, A.
Geissler, Wenzel
Geissler, Paul Wenzel
Gentile, Jim
George, Dalton
Gerard, Libby
Gergely, Mohacsi
Giannetto, Enrico
Gieryn, Thomas F.
Gilbert, John K.
Gill, Tiffany
Gillen, Jay
Giordano, Sara
Goldstein, Jack S.
Gomez, Carme Alemany
Gomez, Louis M.
Gomez, Carme Alemany
González, José Luis
González-García, Francisco José
Good, Katie Day
Gooday, Graeme
Gopakumar, Govind
Gopalkrishnan, Sreeram
Gordin, Michael
Gore, Jennifer
Gore, Jennifer
Gore, Dayo F.
Gorrell, Nancy
Gott, Richard
Gough, Annette
Govmda, R.
Grande, Sandy
Granger, Colette A.
Green, Nicola
Green, Lesley
Greiner, Clemens
Griesemer, James R.
Griffin, Thabisile
Gross, Matthias
Guattari, Felix
Gugganig, Mascha
Gumbel, Andrew
Gumbs, Alexis Pauline
Günergun, Feza
Gunstone, Richard
Gupta, A.
Gupta, Ayush
Gusterson, Hugh
Gutiérrez, Kris D.
Gutierrez, Kris. D.
Gutstein, Eric
Habib, Irfan
Haines, Monamie Bhadra
Halfon, Saul E.
Hall, Budd L.
Halwany, Sarah El
Hamlin, Christopher
Hamlin, Darrell
Hammond, Lorie
Hamraie, Aimi
Hamraie, Aimi
Han, Junhui
Hand, Victoria M.
Handelsman, Jo
Handler, Richard
Haraway, Donna J.
Harney, Stefano
Harrington, Nolan
Harris, Christopher J.
Harrison, Courtney
Harsh, Matthew
Harsh, Matthew R.
Hart, Paul
Harvey, David
Haworth, Robert H.
Haynes, Chayla
Heath, Phillip A.
Heath, Shirley Brice
Hecht, Gabrielle
Heffernan, Laura
Heilbroner, Robert L.
Heilbroner, Robert L.
Heitowit, Ezra D.
Helmreich, S
Hemmi, Akiko
Henriksen, Anne D.
Hernández, Adriana Díaz Del
Hernández, Diana
Heward, Christine M.
Higbie, Tobias
Higgins, Marc
Hiss, Anthony
Hodson, Derek
Hoffmann, David L.
Hofstein, Avi
Holbrook, J. C.
Holbrook, Jarita C.
Holden, Kerry
Holly, James
Holzkämper, A.
Hong, Sungook
Hooks, Bell
Hopkins, Patrick D.
Hopkins, Patrick D.
Hoskins, Sally G.
Hountondji, Paulin
Howard, Jeffrey P. F.
Howard, Jeffrey P. F.
Hsu, Hua
Huaman, Elizabeth Sumida
Huber, R.
Hughes, Thomas Parke
Hughes, Thomas Parke
Hugo, Aksel
Hung, Venus
Hunt, Jean Ann
Hyatt, Susan B.
Hyysalo, Sampsa
Iijima, Nobuko
Illich, Ivan
Inturias, Mirna Liz
Invernizzi, Noela
Invernizzi, Noela
Ish, Miho
Ishii, Miho I.
Ito, Kenji
Iyengar, Radhika
Jackson, Adrian
Jackson, Kimberly
Jackson, John P.
Jackson, Edward T.
Jain, Manish
Jansson, Jenny
Jasanoff, Sheila
Jeffrey, Craig
Jennings, Meghan
Jensen, Casper Bruun
Jiang, Lijing
Joas, Christian
Joel, Daphna
John, Kimberly
Johnson, Deborah G.
Johnson, Deborah G.
Jorde, Doris
Jordheim, Helge
Joseph, Nicole M.
Josephine, Y.
Joy, Bill
Joy, Bill
Joyce, Kelly Ann
Juntunen, Jouni K.
Juris, Jeffrey S.
Kadiwal, Laila
Kaiser, Anelis
Kaiser, David
Kaplan, David
Kasuga, Naoki
Kaygan, Harun
Kearnes, Matthew
Kearney, Michael
Keech, Sarah
Kelley, Michaelann
Kelly, Ann H.
Kemiksiz, Asli
Kemner, Jochen
Kennedy, Eric B.
Kenney, Martha
Kenny, Catherine
Kern, Stephen
Kerr, Jeannie
Khalili, Laleh
Khandekar, Aalok
Khasnabish, Alex
Khine, Myint Swe
Khubchandani, Kareem
Khunyakari, Ritesh P.
Kilkelly, Ann
Kilkenny, Robert
Kim, Jongyoung
Kim, Won Jung
Kim, Hye-Suk
Kim, Hyomin
Kim, Sungeun
Kimura, Aya H.
Kimura, Shuhei
Kinchy, Abby J.
Kinchy, Abby
King, LaGarrett J.
King, Kenneth
Kitundu, Walter
Klaus, Dodds
Klein, Michael
Klein, Lauren
Klein, Michael
Kleinman, Daniel Lee
Klepal, Jaroslav
Kloos, Stephan
Klopp, Jacqueline M.
Kneese, Tamara
Knowles, Scott
Kodua, Samuel
Koech, Davy Kiprotich
Koehn, P.
Kokka, Kari
Kolbert, Elizabeth
Koulish, Robert
Kozoll, Richard H.
Krämer, Fabian
Krasny, Marianne E.
Kreimer, Pablo
Krishna, Venni
Krishna, Sumi
Kubo, Akinori
Kuen, Laura
Kuldova, Tereza
Kumar, Krishna
Kumar, Neelam
Kumar, Richa
Kumar, David D.
Kumar, Deepak
Kumashiro, Kevin K.
Kuo, Wen-Hua
Kwon, Heonik
Lachenal, Guillaume
Ladouceur, Ronald P.
Ladson-Billings, Gloria
LaFollette, Marcel Chotkowski
Lagesen, Vivian Anette
Lasker, Grace A.
Last, Angela
Lather, Patti
Latour, Bruno
Lauffer, Sarah
Lave, Jean
Law, John
Lawler, Andrew
Layton, David
Lee, Ching Kwan
Leem, So Yeon
Lehr, Jane L.
Leigh, Jennifer
Leigh, Jennifer
Leonelli, Sabina
Lessig, Lawrence
Lessig, Lawrence
Letizia, Angelo J.
Letts, William J.
Levidow, Les
Lewenstein, Bruce V.
Lewis, Holly
Lezaun, Javier
Li, Zhengfeng
Liboiron, Max
Licona, Adela C.
Lin, Wen-yuan
Linkhoeva, Tatiana
Linn, Marcia C.
Liu, Jennifer A.
Lizotte, Christopher
Low, Morris
Low, Morris Fraser
Lu, Xiao
Lucas, Keith B.
Lucas, A. M.
Lucena, Juan
Ludwig, Jason
Luke, Carmen
Luke, Carmen
Lunetta, Vincent N.
MacAlpine, Kelly-Ann
MacKenzie, Adrian
Macnaghten, Phil
Maddock, M. N.
Maia, João
Maira, Sunaina
Malazita, James W.
Malcolm, Cliff
Malik, Aamina H.
Mama, Amina
Mandaville, Peter
Manton, John
Marcus, George E.
Markle, Gerald
Markowitz, Fran
Marres, Noortje
Marris, Emma
Marris, Claire
Martin, Emily
Martin, Paul
Martin, Emily
Martin, Danny Bernard
Martindell, Tim
Marx, Karl
Marx, Ronald W.
Masciotra, Domenico
Massumi, Brain
Matsumoto, Miwao
Matuk, Camillia
Mavhunga, Clapperton Chakanetsa
Mayaba, Nokhanyo Nomakhwezi
Mazrui, Alamin
McCallie, Ellen
McCluskey, Audrey Thomas
McConnell, Mary C.
McCormick, Gladys
McCray, Patrick
McCray, Patrick
McCullough, Sarah
McElhaney, Kevin W.
McFarlane, Colin
McGinn, Robert E.
McGinn, Michelle K.
McGinn, Robert E.
McHenry, Kristen Abatsis
MCKay, Ramah
McKenna, Maria K.
McKerley, John W.
McKittrick, Katherine
McManus, Ruth
McRobbie, Campbell J.
Means, Alexander J.
Medin, Douglas L.
Medin, Douglas
Medina, Leandro Rodriguez
Medupe, Rodney
Mehos, Donna C.
Merid, Beza
Messeri, Lisa
Metcalf, Jacob
Metz, Anneke
Meyerhoff, Eli
Middlecamp, Catherine Hurt
Middleton, Alexandra
Millar, Robin
Miller, Clark A
Miller, Clark A
Miller, Clark A.
Miller, Clark
Mills, Mara
Mills, Mara
Mima, Tatsuya
Minde, Henry
Mink, John
Mitcham, Carl
Mitcham, Carl
Mitchell, Robert
Mizuno, Hiromi
Mizushima, Nozomi
Mody, Cyrus C. M.
Mogul, Nicole
Mohacsi, G.
Mohsin, Anto
Mol, Annemarie
Molyneux, Catherine
Molyneux-Hodgson, Susan
Monahan, Torin
Monahan, Torin
Moon, Suzanne
Moore, Aaron Stephen
Moore, Sharlissa
Moore, Sharlissa
Moore, Kelly
Morales‐Doyle, Daniel
Morita, Atsuro
Morita, A.
Morrell, Robert
Morris, Monique W.
Morris-Suzuki, Tessa
Moten, Fred
Mühlberger, Elke
Mukherjee, Suroopa
Müller, M.
Muller, A.
Müller, Ruth
Mullick, Disha
Murphy, Michelle
Murrell, Peter C
Mustaffa, Jalil Bishop
Myers, Natasha
Nagar, Richa
Naito, Daisuke
Nakajima, Hideto
Nakamura, Masaki
Nakata, Victoria
Nakata, Martin
Nakazora, Moe
Nanda, Meera
Nandy, Ashis
Nanoscience, Engineering and Techno
Nanoscience, Engineering and Techno
Nasir, Na’ilah Suad
Ndlovu, Hlengiwe
Negri, Antonio
Nelson, Eli
Neudecker, Mariele
Nguyen, Nicole
Nickelsen, Kärin
Nieusma, Dean
Nkanga, Otobong
Nolan, Kathleen
Novetzke, Christian Lee
Nozaki, Yoshiko
Nunan, E. E.
Nyamnjoh, Francis B
Nyamnjoh, Francis B
Nyamnjoh, Francis B.
Oakes, Tim
Obamba, M.
Odumosu, Toluwalogo
Ogunniyi, Meshach B.
Okada, Takeshi
Okeke, Iruka N
Okune, Angela Hitomi Sky
Oldenziel, Ruth
Olesko, Kathryn M.
Oliveira, Gabrielle
Olson, Cora
Omolade, Barbara
Omura, Keiichi
Oommen, T. K.
Orbe, Mark P.
Orellana, Kamila Torres
Orina, Janai R.
Ortiz, Christine
Osborne, Margery D.
Osborne, Jonathan
Osseo-Asare, Abena Dove
Ostermann, Fernanda
Others, And
Ottaway, A. K. C.
Otulaja, Femi S.
O’Hern, Darren M.
Pacini-Ketchabaw, Veronica
Padawangi, Rita
Paez, Darío
Paglia, Eric
paperson, la
Pappu, Rekha
Park, Shelley M.
Parker, Laurence
Parks, Casey
Parreñas, Juno Salazar
Pates, Riley
Pathania, Gaurav J.
Pattanayak, Purabhi
Pelissier, Catherine
Peller, Gary
Pérez, Michael
Pérez-Bustos, Tania
Person, John
Peters, Charles C.
Petersen, James
Pfaffenberger, Bryan
Phadke, Roopali
Phalkey, Jahnavi
Philip, Thomas M.
Pickering, Andrew
Pierre, Elizabeth Adams St.
Pinch, Trevor
Pingel, Emily
Pinstrup-Andersen, Per
Piot, Charlie
Pitrou, Perig
Platt, Aziza Belcher
Platt, Manu O.
Plutzer, Eric
Pollock, John L.
Pollock, Anne
Pollock, John L.
Pontille, David
Posch, Peter
Prakash, Gyan
Prasad, Shambhu C.
Price, David H.
Pries, Ludger
Quayson, Ato
Quinn, Therese
Rabie, Riana
Raffles, Hugh
Raina, Dhruv
Raina, Rajeswari S.
Rappert, Brian
Raunig, Gerald
Rauterberg, Matthias
Reader, Utne
Reardon, Jenny
Redfield, Peter
Rees, McKenzie R.
Regehr, Kaitlyn
Reid, Roddey
Remter, Felix
Resetar, Korryn
Reynolds, Heather L.
Rezende, Flavia
Richardson, Sarah S.
Riley, Donna
Riley, Donna M.
Ringrose, Jessica
Ritz, Stacey A.
Ritzer, George
Ritzer, George
Rivera, Rafael A. Gonzál
Roberts, Peder
Robinson, Kim Stanley
Robinson, Robert P.
Robinson, Cedric J.
Rodríguez, Iokiñe
Rodriguez, Alberto J.
Rodríguez-Muñiz, Michael
Rogoff, Barbara
Romero, Augustine
Roover, Kati
Rosin, Hanna
Ross, Loretta J.
Roth, Wolff-Michael
Rouse, Carolyn
Rousmaniere, Kate
Roy, Deboleena
Roy, Srila(Editor)
Ruess, Anja K.
Russ, Rosemary S.
Russell, Kathryn
Sacco, Timothy
Şahinol, Melike
Sakdapolrak, Patrick
Sakura, Osamu
Salamanca-Buentello, Fabio
Salamanca-Buentello, Fabio
Saldaña, Johnny
Saldaña, Lillian Patricia
Saleh, Issa M.
Sandlin, Jennifer A.
Sapp, David Alan
Sarangapani, Padma M.
Sarewitz, Daniel
Sarewitz, Daniel
Sarukkai, Sundar
Savonick, Danica
Sayre, Ryan
Scandrett, Eurig
Schein, Louisa
Schick, Lea
Schiller, Nina Glick
Schlegel, Jennifer
Schneier, Bruce
Schneier, Bruce
Schrader, Timo
Schunn, Christian D.
Schütz, Tim
Schyfter, Pablo
Scribner, Campbell F.
Scully, Pamela
Seabe, Busisiwe
Sen, Tarunima
Sengupta-Irving, Tesha
Serlin, David
Seth, Suman
Setoguchi, Akihisa
Sevison, Zachary
Sexton, Jared
Shah, Chayanika
Shah, Nishant
Shah, Alpa
Shah, Dharmesh
Shapiro, Adam R.
Shapiro, Nick
Sharma, Ajay
Shaw, David Gary
Shear, Boone W.
Shelby, Renee
Shew, Ashley
Shineha, Ryuma
Shinn, Terry
Shiva, Vandana
Shor, Ira
Shrader-Frechette, Kristin S.
Shrader-Frechette, Kristin S.
Sierra, María Fernanda O
Sihwa, Daphney
Silberman-Keller, Diana
Simcox, Nancy J.
Simpson, Audra
Sing, Ming
Singh, Jennifer
Singh, Neera M.
Sinha, Ritu
Six, J.
Sjöström, Jesper
Slater, Graham B.
Slaton, Amy E.
Slaughter, Joseph R.
Slayton, Rebecca
Sleeter, Christine E.
Smiley, Sam
Smith, Michael Peter
Smith, Jessica M.
Smith, Jessi L.
Smith, Dorothy V.
Smith-Doerr, Laurel
Smolicz, J. J.
Snaza, Nathan
Söderberg, Johan
Solomon, Joan
Sorber, Nathan M.
Spaapen, Jack
Spero, Ellan F.
Spindler, George
Sriprakash, Arathi
Srivastava, Prachi
Star, Susan Leigh
Stein, Rachel
Steinberg, Gerald
Stephen, Royle A.
Stevens, Leslie M.
Stevens, Sharon McKenzie
Stewart, James B.
Stewart, James
Stöckelová, Tereza
Storksdieck, Martin
Strathern, Marilyn
Strikers, UC Santa Cruz
Stromquist, Nelly P.
Struna, Jason
Su, Celina
Su, Shan-Ya
Subramaniam, Banu
Subramanian, Vidya K.
Suzuki, Wakana
Swanson, Heather
Swift, Philip
Takahashi, Satsuki
Talbot, Margaret
Tambiah, Stnaley J.
Tamez, Modesto
Tandon, Rajesh
Tang, Kok-Sing
Tannock, Stuart
Taylor, Melanie Benson
Tenbrunsel, Ann E.
Teo, Tang Wee
Terry, Elizabeth
Terry, Jennifer
Thapan, Meenakshi
Thapar, Romila
Theoharis, Jeanne
Thompson, Charis
Tichenor, Marlee
Ticktin, Miriam
Tilghman, Shirley M.
Tilley, Helen
Tilly, Charles
Tironi, Manuel
Tobin, Kenneth
Todd, Kimberly L.
Tolbert, Sara
Tomblin, David
Torres, Rodolfo D.
Tousignant, Noémi
Traub, James
Traweek, Sharon
Trifonas, Peter Pericles
Tsukahara, Togo
Turley, Bethani
Turnbull, David
Tutton, Richard
Uberoi, J. P. Singh
Uchiyamada, Yasushi
Unsworth, Kristene
Urama, Johnson O.
Vallejo, Pedro
Valte, Vungliankim
van der Woude, Maartje
van Diepen, Maria Turkenburg
Van Nostrand, Sydney
Vann, Katie
Vargas, Karla
Varghese, Mathew A.
Varughese, Shiju Sam
Velaskar, Padma
Vellanki, Vivek
Verran, Helen
Vertesi, Janet
Vessuri, Hebe MC
Vessuri, Hebe
Villenas, Sofia
Vinck, Dominique
Visperas, Cristina
Visvanathan, Shiv
Volti, Rudi
Volti, Rudi
Vora, Kalindi
Vossoughi, Shirin
Wah, Yeo Kim
Waidzunas, Tom J.
Wajcman, Judy
Wakeford, Nina
Waldby, Catherine
Walsh, Judith E.
Walter-Herrmann, Julia
Wane, Njoki Nathani
Wargo, Jon M.
Washburn, Rachel
Waterston, Alisse
Watson, Helen
Way, J. T.
Weber, Rachel
Weber, Rachel
Webster, Joni-Leigh
Weise, Jillian
Weiss, Meredith Leigh
Welin, Stellan
Welin, Stellan
Werito, Vincent
Wetmore, Jameson
Wetmore, Jameson M.
Wetmore, Jameson M.
Wheaton, Lewis A.
Whisperer, Research
Whitley, Edgar A
Wichowsky, Amber
Wildcat, Daniel R.
Wilkinson, Tom
Willey, Angela
Williams, Phoenix
Williams, Damien Patrick
Williams, Jill
Williams, Mai'a
Willie, C V
Willis, Paul E.
Wills, Melissa
Wilton, Tamsin
Wimmer, Andreas
Winner, Langdon
Winthereik, Brit Ross
Wisnioski, Matthew
Wolcott, Harry
Wong, Alice
Wood, William B.
Wood, Christopher
Wood, Lesley
Woodard, Komozi
Woolston, Chris
Wright, Susan
Wu, Chia-Ling
Wylie, Sara
Wylie, Sara Ann
Yager, Robert E.
Yamazaki, Goro
Yeo, Jennifer
Yon, Daniel A.
York, Emily
Zachary, Pascal
Zaragocin, Sofia
Zeilig, Leo
Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe
Zembylas, Michalinos
Zhang, Zhihui
Zhu, Qin
Zidani, Sulafa
Ziermann, Janine M.
Ziewitz, Malte
Zouda, Majd
Zuiderent-Jerak, Teun
Zuiderent-Jerak, Teun
Zuin, Vânia G.
Østergaard, Edvin
鄭芳芳, Honghong Tinn
Web Article
Journal Article
Conference Paper
Book Chapter
Magazine Article
Bibliography collections - 10.1038_468374a
Bibliography collections - Anthropological Pedagogy
Bibliography collections - ar_psych70_245
Bibliography collections - citation-327436931
Bibliography collections - Colonial/Western Science
Bibliography collections - Critical Pedagogy
Bibliography collections - Critical University Studies
Bibliography collections - EASTS
Bibliography collections - Embodiment
Bibliography collections - ESTS
Bibliography collections - ESTS Manuscript References
Bibliography collections - Experimentalities
Bibliography collections - Feminist Pedagogy - Feminist Science Studies
Bibliography collections - Feminist STS/Transnational
Bibliography collections - General - Misc
Bibliography collections - Good for Undergrad Classroom
Bibliography collections - Knowledge Formations
Bibliography collections - Latin American STS
Bibliography collections - Methodological nationalism
Bibliography collections - Movements & Organizing Cultures
Bibliography collections - Multiplicity
Bibliography collections - National Sovereignty/Science
Bibliography collections - Pedagogy in the US
Bibliography collections - Postcolonial STS
Bibliography collections - PSrigyan Dissertation
Bibliography collections - RoutledgeHandbooks-citations (1)
Bibliography collections - S026483771631376X
Bibliography collections - S026483771631376X 15.3.2021, 15:07:58
Bibliography collections - S026483771631376X 15.3.2021, 15:08:06
Bibliography collections - S0305748802904068
Bibliography collections - S2211912417300755
Bibliography collections - sage_heaa1_227
Bibliography collections - sage_heaa1_250
Bibliography collections - sage_josb51_116
Bibliography collections - sage_rera7_5
Bibliography collections - Science Ed/Pedagogy
Bibliography collections - Science Pedagogy
Bibliography collections - South-North
Bibliography collections - South-South Dialogues
Bibliography collections - STS in Africa
Bibliography collections - STS in Asia
Bibliography collections - STS in Japan
Bibliography collections - STS Pedagogy Genealogy
Bibliography collections - STS Publications
Bibliography collections - STS Regions
Bibliography collections - T-STS Publishing
Bibliography collections - tandf_cedr2012_190
Bibliography collections - tandf_csac2023_226
Bibliography collections - tandf_tqse2013_477
Bibliography collections - tandf_tqse2013_477 (1)
Bibliography collections - Teaching + Thinking with Disabilities
Bibliography collections - Test 1
Bibliography collections - Test 2
Bibliography collections - The New Yorker Annals of Education
Bibliography collections - Translation
Bibliography collections - Translocal
Bibliography collections - Transnational Anthropology
Bibliography collections - Transnational Capitalism
Bibliography collections - Transnational Humanitarianism
Bibliography collections - Transnational Movements
Bibliography collections - Transnationalism/Migration Studies
Bibliography collections - uchicago_ajs112_1939
Bibliography collections - uchicago_isis88_579
Bibliography collections - uchicago_isis98_432
Tags - (post)colonial STS
Tags - academic career
Tags - ACTOR-network theory
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Tags - epistemological diversity
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Tags - extraction
Tags - feminist STS
Tags - fracking
Tags - game studies
Tags - genomics revolutions
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Tags - heteronormativity
Tags - history of engineering ethics
Tags - Humans
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Tags - laboratory studies making
Tags - Latin American STS
Tags - learning
Tags - Lesbian, gay, and bisexual engineering students
Tags - making and doing
Tags - materiality
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Tags - Medical Laboratory Science/*trends
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Tags - multi-sited ethnography
Tags - neoliberalism
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Tags - participatory design
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Tags - pedagogies
Tags - pedagogy
Tags - petrochemicals
Tags - Philosophy, Medical*
Tags - political history of STS
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Tags - POSTCOLONIAL analysis
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Tags - theory from the Global East
Tags - theory-methods packages
Tags - traditionalism
Tags - underground
Tags - underground resources
Tags - United States
Tags - USA
Tags - Women's Rights/trends
Found 1390 results
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Spero, Ellan F.
, and
Christine Ortiz
Navigating Dimensions across Materials and History: Scale as a Lens to Understand Dynamic and Cumulative Sociotechnical Relationships
, no. 18: 1.
Conlon, E.
The new engineer: between employability and social responsibility
European Journal of Engineering Education
33, no. 2: 151-159.
Conlon, E.
The new engineer: between employability and social responsibility
European Journal of Engineering Education
33, no. 2: 151-159.
Conlon, E.
The new engineer: between employability and social responsibility
European Journal of Engineering Education
33, no. 2: 151-159.
Conlon, E.
The new engineer: between employability and social responsibility
European Journal of Engineering Education
33, no. 2: 151-159.
Marx, Ronald W.
, and
Christopher J. Harris
No Child Left Behind and Science Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks
The Elementary School Journal
106, no. 5: 467-478.
Marx, Ronald W.
, and
Christopher J. Harris
No Child Left Behind and Science Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Risks
The Elementary School Journal
106, no. 5: 467-478.
Anderson, Robert S.
Nucleus and Nation: Scientists, International Networks, and Power in India
. University of Chicago Press.
Aviv, Rachel
N.Y.U.’s Sexton Era
Tannock, Stuart
The oil industry in our schools: from Petro Pete to science capital in the age of climate crisis
Environmental Education Research
26, no. 4: 474-490.
Mol, Annemarie
Ontological politics. A word and some questions
The Sociological Review
47, no. S1: 74-89.
Dahlin, Bo
The Ontological Reversal: A figure of thought of importance for science education
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Whisperer, Research
Open access at no cost? Just ditch academic journals
Peller, Gary
Opinion | I've Been a Critical Race Theorist for 30 Years. Our Opponents Are Just Proving Our Point For Us.
Rogoff, Barbara
Maureen Callanan
Kris D. Gutiérrez
, and
Frederick Erickson
The Organization of Informal Learning
Review of Research in Education
40, no. 1: 356-401.
Donnelly, J. F.
The Origins of the Technical Curriculum in England during the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Studies in Science Education
16, no. 1: 123-161.
Donnelly, J. F.
The Origins of the Technical Curriculum in England during the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Studies in Science Education
16, no. 1: 123-161.
Haworth, Robert H.
, and
John M. Elmore
Out of the Ruins: The Emergence of Radical Informal Learning Spaces
. PM Press.
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