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Davis, Pryce R., and Rosemary S. Russ. "Dynamic framing in the communication of scientific research: Texts and interactions." Journal of Research in Science Teaching 52, no. 2 (2015): 221-252.
Dawson, Emily. "Equity in informal science education: developing an access and equity framework for science museums and science centres." Studies in Science Education 50, no. 2: 209-247.
De Castro, Eduardo Viveiros. "Immanence and fear: Stranger-events and subjects in Amazonia." HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 2, no. 1: 27-43.
De Lin, Tzung-. "Theater as a Site for Technology Demonstration and Knowledge Production: Theatrical Robots in Japan and Taiwan." East Asian Science, Technology and Society 9, no. 2 (2015): 187-211.
Delamont, Sara. "Can there be non-racist science?" Studies in Science Education 24, no. 1: 143-147.
Delamont, Sara. "Can there be non-racist science?" Studies in Science Education 24, no. 1: 143-147.
Deleuze, Gilles, Felix Guattari, and Brain Massumi. A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Minneapolis and London: University of Minnesota Press, 1987.
Deloria, Vine, Vine Deloria, Jr, and Daniel R. Wildcat. Power and Place: Indian Education in America. Fulcrum Pub., 2001.
Delpit, Lisa. Teaching When the World Is on Fire: Authentic Classroom Advice, from Climate Justice to Black Lives Matter. New Press.
Delpit, Lisa, and Joanne Kilgour Dowdy. The Skin That We Speak: Thoughts on Language and Culture in the Classroom. New Press/ORIM.
Denby, David. Public Defender.
Denis, Jérôme, and David Pontille. "Workers of writing, Materials of information." Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances 6, n° 1, no. 1 (2012): a-s.
Deslippe, Dennis A., Eric Fure-Slocum, and John W. McKerley. Civic Labors: Scholar Activism and Working-Class Studies. University of Illinois Press.
Dewey, John. "Method in science teaching." General Science Quarterly 1, no. 1 (1916): 3-9.
Dewey, John. "Method in science teaching." General Science Quarterly 1, no. 1 (1916): 3-9.
Dhingra, Koshi. "Science on Television: Storytelling, Learning and Citizenship." Studies in Science Education 42, no. 1: 89-123.
Dhingra, Koshi. "Science on Television: Storytelling, Learning and Citizenship." Studies in Science Education 42, no. 1: 89-123.
DiAquoi, Raygine Coutard. "Separate and connected: A portrait of perspectives and pedagogy at an Afrocentric shule." Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society 3, no. 2.
Dietrich, Richard A.. "The STS Movement: Its Adequacy For Science Education Reform." Studies in Science Education 25, no. 1: 281-288.
Dietrich, Richard A.. "The STS Movement: Its Adequacy For Science Education Reform." Studies in Science Education 25, no. 1: 281-288.
Dolmage, Timothy Jay. Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2017.
Dolmage, Timothy Jay. Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2017.
Dolmage, Timothy Jay. Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2017.
Dolmage, Timothy Jay. Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2017.
Donnelly, J. F.. "The Origins of the Technical Curriculum in England during the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries." Studies in Science Education 16, no. 1: 123-161.
