I. The universal conception of human technological activity. A Better understanding of socio-technical system, by negating the overemphasis on necessity and other myths of standard view gives us a universal conception on human technological activities and helps us to understand the technologically mediated, socially coordinated labour and work". Once we do so, we can begin to construct hypothesis about the universals of human technology-universals that highlight what is distinctly human about activities as diverse as making stone tools and launching space vehicles".
II. Alternative epistemology towards technology: "The sociotechnical systems of the Machine Age do differ from its pre-industrial predecessors, but the Standard View grossly exaggerates these differences". For example historians of technology distinguishes these two binaries into a phase with the application of science and technology and other without it. But it is a fact that whatever modern society achieved as technology is not derived from the sciences. But the technology enhanced, codified and contributed to the organisation of science and its knowledge system ().
III. Social coordination of labour and secondary role of technology; various social factors such as rituals, beliefs, cultural meanings etc defines an artefact and its embedded technology. The labour is influenced more by socio-economic factors than the technology.