Who authored this text and what is their broader (research, activist, journalistic) program?

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May 11, 2019

Lily Irany as a scholar is famous for her works on cyberspace and its socio-cultural implications. She is mainly focusing on how workers are defending or reacting to the politics of cyber workspace and how they use certain virtual platforms to implement their agendas. she contributed to the research and writing upon the area labour activism in digital space and she is also one of the founding members of 'turkopticon', which is a digital platform where  a  'digital worker' can write and share about their employers, who are previously not socially audited by the 'public, because of the invisibility provided by flexible economy. She also spends more than 5 years in studying the underlying cultural logic of Indian entrepreneurism in comparison with so-called developed digital hubs like Silicon Valley.  She is currently an assistant professor of communication and science studies at the University of California.

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