NANO: (How) is “Africa” invoked when the author discusses data (as a place with unique demands or responsibilities, for example)?

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Angela Okune's picture
August 17, 2018
  • AO: Foster cites Ruha Benjamin in describing “informed refusal” by some people who declined to talk to her. She also cites Ngar and Swarr “enacting accountability” meaning she responded to other needs and intersts of San peoles and others she worked with in South Africa such as electronic copies of articles, reviewing grant proposals, etc. She mentions an “ethic of reciprocity” that recognizes “mutual benefits received by both researchers and researchedd.” (21) She states that “practices of accountability and reciprocity have enabled me to find way of engaging in the rich, messay, and continually long process of, in the words of Kim TallBear, finding ways of “standing with” San peoples and producing “faithful knwoeldges” that are co-constituted with San interests.” (22)

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