NANO: (How) is “Africa” invoked when the author discusses data (as a place with unique demands or responsibilities, for example)?

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Angela Okune's picture
August 6, 2018
  • The author doesn’t talk explicitly about flows of data but does note that the Gates Foundation grants presume a unidirectionality of global knowledge flows. Majority of grants are given to scientists working in North America. System is set to organize technical objects but not technical subjects. (854)

  • Pollock includes a quote from interlocutor to demonstrate how ethical value, economic value, and epistemological value comingle (and draws on Ann Kelly and Wenzel Geissler’s (2012) evocative triad) (866).

  • Self-reliance emerges as a theme that the South African interlocutors desired. Not just independence or reparations but “a place in the world” (quoting Ferguson 2006). (866).

  • Quoting her interlocutors, Pollock discusses how they saw the importance of ‘taking responsibility for AIDS’ and other infectious diseases is often linked with the moral imperative for South African scientists to focus on the needs not only of the global or even the South African elite, but also of the poor and black South African majority.” (866)

  • Quote from interlocutor: “we haven’t seen much of science responding the actual needs. What it means for science to address the needs down in my home town, where they are facing [TB and HIV]. And so that is where my social aspect comes from, is how to do you make science respond. Science and education needs to address what we are facing in this country.” (867)

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