What arguments, sub-arguments, data or examples suggest possible comparisons with other STS formations?

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Maggie Woodruff's picture
June 7, 2018
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Fischer incorporates into his argument the close relationship between anthropological STS and social and environmental justice democracy, film, art, and comparative literature: "At issue for STS in all the above works are the emotional and aesthetic facets of science and technology, the social worlds they create and in which they operate, as well as the uneven developments, localizations, and alternative trajectories of the sciences and technologies in different places. Anthropologists used to indulge in fantasies of first contact, and historians in fantasies of identifying critical turning points or key experiments that change common sense, but in fact both anthropologists and historians always step into flows of prior representations, including those of journalists, novelists, ritualists, and shape-shifting cultural forms, tropes, or genres" (187). This encourages us to look beyond the academy in characterizing STS formations, as well as point toward future directions.

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