
4S abstracts on Labour, Technology and Automation

Yes, there are critical silences upon certain aspects of labour and labour process in relation to the direct impact of automation,  for example, 4S conference abstracts which took place in...Read more

What is disaster?

A Disaster is an event or series of events, which gives us casualties and loss of private as well as public properties, infrastructure, environment, essential services or means of livelihood on...Read more

4S abstracts on Labour, Technology and Automation

My research interests consider the effect of technology and automation on the labour, labour process and labour relations in the context of redefining means of production and industrial...Read more

4S abstracts on Labour, Technology and Automation

The fear of technology engulphing fifty percentage of human work in the immediate future became a big hipe in both popular and academic circles. The social constructivist theories try...Read more

Technology as Mediation

Technology as Mediation : On the Processes of Engineering and Reception of the Entertainment Robot "AIBO"(<Special Theme>Anthropology of Science and Technology)

Keywords: moments of juncture, artificial intelligence, ...Read more

Week 2 : orientations

This annotated response is my temporary and situated understanding emerged from the certain readings regarding STS in relation to its epistemology,...Read more

1993. Laird. "Participatory Analysis, Democracy, and Technological Decision Making"

"Scientific and technological policy issues are not and should not be exempt from the norms of democratic governance. This article examines two major theories of democracy, analyzes their commonalities and differences, and derives criteria for evaluating various forms of public...Read more

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