STS in Africa

Process: Crowdsourcing for "STS in Africa"
AO: This artifact captures the language we crafted to invite scholars and practitioners to complete the survey to be included in the STS Across Borders "STS in Africa" exhibit
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Langwick, Stacey Ann. 2011. Bodies, Politics, and African Healing: The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Abstract: "This subtle and powerful ethnography examines African healing and its relationship to medical science. Stacey A. Langwick investigates the practices of healers in Tanzania who confront the most intractable illnesses in the region, including AIDS and malaria. She reveals how...Read more

Full Bibliography: STS in Africa

Aimé, Segla Dafon, and Akpona Simon. 2018. “The Role of a Yoruba Traditional Leaf in a Fermented Food Technology (Nauclea Latifolia, Sarcocéphalus Latifolius): Shedding Light on African Accuracy of Implicit Knowledge and Technologies".” Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 5 (2...Read more

Chaudhury. 2018

This essay answers the analytic: "What events have marked the development of this STS formation?"Read more

Helena Barnard on future directions of STS in Africa

Helena Barnard (April 25, 2018): " The rise of predatory journals and what it suggests about how African scholars perceive the process of knowledge generation is a critically important issue." Read more

Chaudhury. 2018

This essay answers the analytic: "What events have marked the development of this STS formation?"Read more

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