
AO. Gap in relevant content in Kenyan libraries and learning institutions.

AO: This excerpt from the interview describes why Ukombozi Library was seen to be needed -- especially highlighting the perceived gap in progressive content in publically accessible libraries and...Read more

AO. Bretton Woods neoliberal policies of 1980s/90s reduced library capacities.

AO: This quote underlines the historical context of the Bretton Woods' Structural Adjustment Policies which heavily influenced the situation of libraries and educational institutions today....Read more

AO. NMK full-time librarian in 1976.

AO: This small paragraph in the overall document is one of the few mentions of the library. It seems to suggest that despite being transferred to the Museum in 1918, it was not until almost 60...Read more

Durrani, Shiraz. 2006. Never Be Silent: Publishing & Imperialism in Kenya, 1884 - 1963. 1. ed. London: Vita Books.

From book jacket: “We will never be silent until we get land to cultivate and freedom in this country of ours” …so sang Mau Mau activists. The struggle for independence in Kenya was waged at many levels. Never be Silent explores how this struggle was reflected in the...Read more

2016. Shrum et al. "Has the Internet Reduced Friendship? Scientific Relationships in Ghana, Kenya, and India, 1994-2010"

" Has the Internet changed the pattern of social relations? More specifically, have social relations undergone any systematic change during the recent widespread diffusion of new communications technology? This question is addressed using a unique longitudinal survey that bookends...Read more

Gisesa, Nyambega. 2019. “The Unsung Mau Mau Heroes Who Fought for Independence.” Daily Nation, June 1, 2019.

AO: This article mentions Ukombozi library and the National Archives. It quotes Kimani Waweru, the in-charge at Ukombozi Library as saying: "There was a deliberate effort to ensure that the stories of these great men were not told. A few individuals who tried to research on...Read more

BIEA Partial Digitized Collections on Aluka/JSTOR

AO: This artifact gives an appreciation for the types of materials held by BIEA that have been archived through Aluka/JSTOR. According to this overview written up by the British Archaeology Data Service...Read more

Fedha, N.W. 1972. "The Role of the Archives in Research." Conference Paper. Nairobi, Kenya.

AO: In February 2019, I came across this document written in 1972 by one of the early chief archivists of the Kenya National Archives (N.W. Fedha). The document outlines the early history of the Kenya National Archives as well as the rationale and motivation for its creation...Read more

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