
Sean Michael Ferguson

  1. Sean Ferguson
  2. Affiliated to California State University Channel Islands, PECE group, UC Irvine, H.O.P.E. Gardens GR, but otherwise independent.
  3. I am recently involved with the PECE design team and hope to support the collectives growth throughout 2023 brief
  4. ...Read more

Angela Okune: Brief Bio

Angela Okune ( Twitter | Web ) is a doctoral student in the Anthropology Department at the University...Read more

Maka Suarez

I’m an assistant professor in Anthropology at the University of Oslo and co-founder of Kaleidos-Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography at the University of Cuenca -Ecuador, where I am a visiting professor.

I work across economic, political and medical anthropology exploring the...Read more

Daniene Byrne Collaboration Bio

Hi everyone

So happy to join you all.

I am a fifth year PhD Student...Read more

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