Kim Fernandes - Completed Indexing Data Types Sketch


  • method/activities: participant observations
  • data type: (pre-COVID) hand-written notes, (post-COVID) typed notes on my laptop
  • preservation: stored on my laptop (handwritten notes will be scanned and uploaded), and backed up on Box
  • access and security concerns: (till data collection ends) private, but will be made public (via dissertation/other academic writing) with participant consent and once anonymized. still thinking through the wide-ranging implications of security concerns so may err on the side of caution with naming participants/putting their info out there, even if they'd like to be publicly named (and am thinking of this as an ongoing conversation about consent).
  • discoverability: discoverable through publications, but also likely not in any other way
  • method/activities: one-on-one interviews
  • data type: audio recordings (and video when interlocutor is comfortable + has the internet bandwidth), notes typed on laptop
  • preservation: stored on my laptop, backed up on Box
  • access and security concerns: private, to be made public if used in writing + participant consents
  • discoverability: i will not be making these conversations available outside of excerpts used for publications
  • method/activities: observations of meetings, workshops, conferences etc.
  • data type: handwritten and typed notes + recordings of YouTube and FB lives (or in rarer instances Zoom webinars)
  • preservation: will first be catalogued, then stored on my laptop in order + backed up on Box
  • access and security concerns: events conducted by organizations are largely public, with some variations depending on audience (eg. accessible to particular listservs) - will therefore not be making recordings or observations from them public
  • discoverability: will share/revisit events/observations if they were initially made available through FB/YouTube Live, but not otherwise
  • method/activities: archival research
  • data type: documents available in electronic archives + from library searches
  • preservation: will be ordered, stored on Mendeley and backed up on Box
  • access and security concerns: documents are semi-public (often depending on institutional access), but my notes on them will be kept private
  • discoverability: i will be making archival material available as part of writing (blog posts, journal articles, twitter conversations), and will work toward creating a google drive folder for documents that i frequently reference on a topic
  • method/activities: Twitter conversations
  • data type: bookmarking relevant tweets + interactions on those tweets
  • preservation: screenshots will be catalogued, stored on Mendeley and backed up on Box
  • access and security concerns: for the most part, tweets are public, but will keep my notes private. if i use tweets in writing, will DM the author to explain the context in which the tweet will be used, and to ask for permission.
  • discoverability: tweets are discoverable through search if the author has a public account, but i will not be making them discoverable outside of this


Creative Commons Licence


Created Date

June 13, 2022 - 4:45am


Contributed date

June 21, 2022 - 12:02pm

Critical Commentary

This is my completed sketch for the Indexing Data Types sketch, for the 6S 2022 Workshop #2.



Cite as

Kim Fernandes, 13 June 2022, "Kim Fernandes - Completed Indexing Data Types Sketch", contributed by Kim Fernandes, STS Infrastructures, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 21 June 2022, accessed 6 October 2024.