AO: She uses the term “resource-poor settings” and “resource-rich”
AO: Crane frames her own work amongst postcolonial STS and growing critical inquiry into ‘how science travels’ globally (see for example Adams, 2002; De Laet, 2002; Fullwiley, 2002; Hayden, 2003; Lowe, 2006; Petryna, 2009; Pigg, 2001; Reardon, 2005; Sunder Rajan, 2006). But in contrast to some of the work on “extractive” data practices, her work is largely the testing of products and cheaper versions of things available in the West in “resource-poor settings” (846).
AO: Crane uses Star and Greisemer’s “boundary object” concept:
“placebo-control group became something of a ‘boundary object’ stand- ing between Professor Tabula and the Swedish applicants. Susan Leigh Star and James Griesemer coined this term to describe objects or entities existing at points of intersec- tion and struggle between different groups and their competing visions of reality. Each group defines the boundary object differently, according to its interests (Star and Griesemer, 1999[1989]).” (857)