Uchaguzi Kenya 2013 Monitoring and Evaluation

Cite as:

Okune, Angela, Philip Ochola Mak'Anyengo, Sylvester Wachira Ndaiga, Sidney Ochieng, Rhoda Omenya, Chris Orwa, Nanjira Sambuli, and Varyanne Sika. 2018. "Uchaguzi Kenya 2013 Monitoring and Evaluation." In "iHub Research (2011 - 2017): A Critical Technology Action Research Group Within Nairobi's Flagship Tech Innovation Hub," edited by Okune et al. In STS Across Borders Digital Exhibit, edited by Aalok Khandekar and Kim Fortun. Society for Social Studies of Science. August.


iHub Research conducted a 6-month assessment of the Kenya 2013 Uchaguzi deployment, an ICT based election-monitoring platform that ran during the March 4th Kenya elections. The research project sought to document the Uchaguzi process leading up to the Kenya 2013 Elections in order to highlight how the technology platform might be relevant for other communities and countries; to understand how to make the Uchaguzi initiative more sustainable and scalable in the future; to develop a set of metrics to aid in this evaluation and analyze the replicability of the Uchaguzi process so as to provide targeted recommendations for scaling up the initiative.

This PECE essay helps to answer the STS Across Borders analytic question: “What people, projects, and products exemplify how this STS formation has developed over time?

This essay is part of a broader exhibit on iHub Research.


STS Across Borders seeks to showcase STS from different regions, diasporas, and genealogies by exploring different ways STS developed across time and space, and the structures, infrastructures, and systems that have allowed–or worked against–the cultivation of STS modes of thinking. Digital collections developed as part of STS Across Borders are hosted in an evolving archive, infraStrucTureS.

Learn more here.

Final Report: Uchaguzi Kenya 2013

AO: This project related to our broader work looking at the use of ICTs as part of Kenyan elections (e.g. Umati). Our close relationship with Ushahidi and their election-specific project, Uchaguzi made it easier for us to gain access to many of the various process meetings, and interview the...Read more

Blog Post: Dandora and Kamukunji Community Feedback from Elections 2013

AO: As we became more cognizant and reflective of our own practices engaging with communities we conducted research with, we built into the project budgets the ability to go back multiple times in order to offer insights and feedback based on the research that was conducted so that...Read more