Aimé, Segla Dafon, and Akpona Simon. 2018. “The Role of a Yoruba Traditional Leaf in a Fermented Food Technology (Nauclea Latifolia, Sarcocéphalus Latifolius): Shedding Light on African Accuracy of Implicit Knowledge and Technologies".” Advances in Social

AO: This 2018 paper by Segla and Akpona starts from the foundational archaeology of concepts in language and cognition of an archaic fermented food technology in an oral society to demonstrate the accuracy of implicit traditional knowledge. Read more

1999. Evans et. al. "Making a Difference: Sociology of Scientific Knowledge and Urban Energy Policies"

ARTICLE ABSTRACT: Infrastructure management has traditionally been based on a logic of predict and provide in which rising demand was met with an increase in infrastructure capacity. However, recent changes in political, economic, and environmental priorities mean that projects such as new roads...Read more

Urban Green Assemblages: An ANT View on Sustainable City Building Projects

Abstract: "

In this article, I sketch an STS-theoretical approach to world-wide growing concerns with urban climate risks and sustainable urbanism more generally in terms of what I call ‘urban green assemblages’. This approach draws inspiration from recent attempts to bring actor-network...Read more

Rarieya, Marie, and Kim Fortun. 2010. “Food Security and Seasonal Climate Information: Kenyan Challenges.” Sustainability Science 5 (1): 99–114.

Abstract: "This article examines challenges to food security in areas especially vulnerable to the effects of climate variability and change, and the potential contribution of seasonal climate forecasting. Drawing on long-term study of the way environmental information is developed and...Read more

1996. Shackley and Wynne. "Representing Uncertainty in Global Climate Change Science and Policy: Boundary-Ordering Devices and Authority"

"This article argues that, in public and policy contexts, the ways in which many scientists talk about uncertainty in simulations of future climate change not only facilitates communications and cooperation between scientific and policy communities but also affects the perceived...Read more

Environmental Sociology in Japan and Environmental Problems in Asian Societies

This paper discusses typical aspects of environmental sociology in Japan and what characteristics can be found in Japanese environmental problems when they are viewed from their relation to environmental

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