4S Across Borders: An STS Timeline


Annual Meetings

In 1976, the first annual meeting of 4S was held in Ithaca, New York, USA. In 1984, the first meeting to be held outside of the United States took place in Ghent, Belgium. Starting in 2007, meeting locations have alternated between cities in North America and cities in the Netherlands, Japan, Denmark, Argentina, Spain, and Australia.


4S presidents are elected to a two year term.

Council members

4S council members serve a three year term.


Includes the John Desmond Bernal Prize for individual contributions to STS in their career; the Ludwick Fleck Prize for an exemplary book in STS; the Rachel Carson Prize for a book in STS with demonstrable political value; the David Edge Prize for an exemplary peer-reviewed article or book chapter in STS; and the Nicholas C. Mullins Prize for graduate student scholarship (article-length, published or unpublished) in STS.